
1) Treat Everyone with Respect .

2) Follow instructions given by adults the first time they are given.

3) We will give our best effort.

4) We take Pride in our School and Community.

5) Everyone accepts responsibility for their actions.

School Goals

ELA Goal

MLK will Implement explicit and systematic phonics instruction, and build Background knowledge and comprehension through the use of thematic, grade level and higher text sets to increase literacy in all grades.  By May 2021 Grades K-1 will meet their expected growth as measured by dibels: 65% of scholars in Grades 2-5 will meet their expected growth as measured by NWEA Map Reading.

Math Goal

MLK will implement targeted tier 2 and tier 3 math strategies to increase student achievement in foundational math skills in Grades K-5.  By May of 2021 90% of students will meet their individual growth goals measured by NWEA. 

Culture and Climate Goal

By the end of the 2023 school year, the Youngstown City School District will realize an overall increase in the Climate and Culture of each school community as evidenced by a score of 90% or above on Tier 1 and a score of 50% or above on Tier 2 of the Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to guide the district and individual buildings.